The Frankowski Firm

Richard S. Frankowski to Speak at the National Investor Town Hall Meeting in San Diego

This year’s National Investor Town Hall Meeting, hosted by the Alliance for Investor Education and The PIABA Foundation, will feature a panel with firm founder Richard Frankowski. The event is free and open to the public, and will take place on October 29, 2016 at the Rancho Bernado Inn in San Diego, California. This is an all-day event featuring some of the most well-known and well-respected professionals in the securities industry. This year, Mr. Frankowski will present on a panel with other investor educators and attorneys from around the country.

Protecting the rights of investors throughout the country

The mission of the National Investor Town Hall Meeting is to “help attendees learn to set their goals, assess their risk tolerance, select advisers and investments, and avoid becoming a victim of financial fraud, which costs Americans an estimated $50 billion a year.” This year’s panels cover a variety of topics, all of which are designed to educate attendees about investing:

If you are in the San Diego area on Saturday, October 29, 2016, we hope you will attend the National Investor Town Hall Meeting, and learn more about how you can protect your financial future. If you have need of an experienced FINRA arbitration attorney, or have questions about broker or securities fraud, we invite you to call 888.741.7503, or contact our firm today.
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