When you give your money to an investment firm, it can help it grow. But, before you do, it’s vital to research the firm well. Some firms might try to cheat you, causing you to lose a lot of money. At The Frankowski Firm, we’ve helped many people who were hurt by investment scams. Our team of skilled Nashville investment fraud attorneys is here to help you too. If you think you’ve been cheated, contact us. We’ll review your case for free, and there’s no pressure to continue if you decide not to. Don’t wait. Let’s start working on getting you the justice you deserve.
When you give your money to an investment firm, it can help it grow. But, before you do, it’s vital to research the firm well. Some firms might try to cheat you, causing you to lose a lot of money. At The Frankowski Firm, we’ve helped many people who were hurt by investment scams. Our team of skilled Nashville investment fraud attorneys is here to help you too. If you think you’ve been cheated, contact us. We’ll review your case for free, and there’s no pressure to continue if you decide not to. Don’t wait. Let’s start working on getting you the justice you deserve.
Investment fraud happens when someone tricks you into putting your money into a fake or risky investment. Our team of Nashville securities fraud lawyers has experience helping people who’ve been hurt by all kinds of investment fraud. We’ve helped clients recover money from different types of investment scams. Some of the scams we deal with most often include:
If you’ve been a victim of Nashville securities fraud lawyers, our team is here to help you get your money back.
Right now, when there’s a disagreement about investments, many cases go through arbitration and mediation, which are like formal discussions to settle the problem. This is according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). In these cases, Nashville investment fraud lawyers need special training, negotiation skills, knowledge about how to present evidence, and understanding of finances. Our team of Nashville FINRA arbitration Nashville securities fraud lawyers has all these skills and can help you through the arbitration process. We’ll start by figuring out if your claim is valid, then we’ll gather evidence, and we’ll also explain the timeline for submitting documents and what could happen next. So, if you’re facing an investment dispute, we’re here to guide you step by step.
We are a leading force in protecting investors in Nashville. Through our legal expertise, we have secured significant financial awards for clients affected by broker fraud or investment misconduct. Our commitment extends beyond legal representation – we provide comprehensive educational resources on federal and state securities laws, investor rights, and crucial conversations to have with brokers. We acknowledge that our clients have suffered more than just financial losses; they have also experienced betrayal by professionals entrusted to act in their best interests. We delve into the causes of investment failures, assess broker obligations, and pursue financial restitution through litigation. Trust us to safeguard your investments and seek justice on your behalf.
Welcome to our firm, where our award-winning team boasts over years of combined experience, making us a premier legal entity specialising in investment fraud cases in the United States. Our track record speaks for itself, having successfully recovered over $350 million for our clients
If you’ve lost a lot of your money from investing, you’re probably curious about why it happened. Many things could have caused it, like someone tricking you or doing something illegal, or just the regular ups and downs of the market, or even unexpected events. If you suspect someone tricked you with your investment, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a list of signs to look out for. If any of those signs match what happened to you, it might be a good idea to talk to a lawyer who knows about securities fraud. They can help you figure out what to do next.
When investors trust a broker or investment firm, they expect advice that helps them make money. But if the advice is bad on purpose, or the products aren’t right for the investor, the broker or firm might be responsible for any losses. The Nashville investment fraud attorneys at The Frankowski Firm know how to help investors who’ve been treated unfairly. If you have questions or want to talk about your situation, you can call our Nashville office at 888-741-7503 or fill out our contact form. We have the experience to get justice for investors who’ve been wronged.
The recoveries, verdicts, favorable outcomes, and testimonials described on this site are not an indication of future results. Every case is different, and regardless of what friends, family, or other individuals may say about what a case is worth, each case must be evaluated on its own facts and circumstances as they apply to the law. The valuation of a case depends on facts, the damages, the jurisdiction, the venue, the witnesses, the parties, and the testimony, among many other factors. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services performed is greater than the quality of the legal services performed by other lawyers.
Disclaimer: Mr. Frankowski is licensed in Alabama,Florida and Texas. He is not licensed in any other state including Nevada and California. Mr. Frankowski has represented investors from all over the country in securities cases including: Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas.