frankowski firm

The Frankowski Firm is investigating potential claims against Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”)-expelled broker Daniel Todd Levine, of Greenwood Village, Colorado, following Mr. Levine’s permanent bar from the securities industry based on Mr. Levine’s failure to cooperate and provide information connected to FINRA’s investigation into alleged undisclosed outside business activities and unauthorized trading.

According to FINRA’s Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent findings against Mr. Levine, FINRA sent a request for documents and information to Mr. Levine on August 13, 2018 as a part of its investigation. The investigation involved allegations that Mr. Levine engaged in undisclosed outside business activities, solicited a senior customer to borrow funds for an outside business activity, and executed unauthorized trades. On December 3, 2018, Mr. Levine’s counsel emailed to inform FINRA that Mr. Levine would not produce the requested information.

In addition to the regulatory action and permanent bar, Levine’s FINRA BrokerCheck Report reveals an additional customer complaint and two employment separations after allegations of misconduct. Mr. Levine was discharged by First Financial Equity Corporation in August 2018 based on his failure to disclose a regulatory inquiry to the firm. Previously, Mr. Levine voluntarily resigned employment with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management following allegations concerning activities related to possible unapproved outside activity.

If you or someone you know lost money as a client of Daniel Todd Levine, First Financial Equity Corporation, and/or Morgan Stanley Wealth Management due to unsuitable, misrepresented, or unauthorized transactions, please call the Frankowski Firm at 888.741.7503 or fill out this contact form.

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