frankowski firm

what-investors-should-know-about-real-estate-investment-trustsA “good” investment portfolio is diverse, consisting of securities in a variety of industries. Brokers and financial advisors may recommend that you invest in real estate, and one way to do that it through a Real Estate Investment Trust, or REIT. REITs are a lot like mutual funds, in that they allow investors of all shapes and sizes to own a part of the holding.

REITs come in two in forms: traded and non-traded. Traded REITs (those listed on the stock exchange) offer a number of benefits: they are relatively easy to buy and sell, operate with transparency, and generally offer a solid return on your investment.

Non-traded REITs, however, are a different animal. There are a few things investors should know about the risks involved with these products before they agree to any purchases:

Non-traded REITs may be a good choice for investors with a higher risk tolerance, but they are not ideal for everybody. Your broker or financial advisor owes you a duty of care to ensure that your portfolio reflects your needs, not what is best for them or the brokerage. If you have suffered financial losses because of broker negligence, you may be able to seek damages through FINRA arbitration or in court.

The Frankowski Firm can help. Our skilled team of stockbroker fraud attorneys fights on behalf of investors throughout the country, upholding their rights in arbitration or in trial. To learn more about our services, we invite you to call us at 888.741.7503, or to fill out our contact form.

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