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On Tuesday, the Governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, signed legislation extending the statute of limitations for securities fraud and theft by deception to five years from the date the fraud was discovered. Previously, the statute of limitations for securities fraud had been five years from the date the deal occurred, and the statute of limitations for theft by deception had been three years from when the fraud occurred. The additional time will significantly aid law enforcement in gathering evidence that could lead to charges .

Joseph Borg, the Director of the Alabama Securities Commission, stated that the new state law will make it easier for the state to prosecute securities fraud cases. Borg also noted that during the recession, as interest rates on bank accounts were dropping, many people, especially senior citizens, placed their assets in long-term investments that did not offer a pay out until five or six years later. At that point, the statute of limitations had already run, and any possible fraud was impossible to prosecute. Borg believes that “[t]his [new law] is going to be a big deal for long-term investments.”

The bill received final passage in the state legislature on April 3 and did not receive a negative vote in either the House of the Senate .

If you or someone you know has lost money as a result of an investment, please contact Richard Frankowski at 888-741-7503 to discuss your potential legal remedies.