Madoff’s Sons Must Repay Victims of Father’s Ponzi Scheme in New Ruling
Aside from movies like Oliver Stone’s Wall Street and Martin Scorsese’s more recent Wolf of Wall Street, one of the few experiences the average layperson will have had with investment fraud is Bernie Madoff, infamous for a Ponzi scheme that defrauded nearly 5,000 victims of over $64 billion in 2008. Nearly a decade later, Madoff’s sons’ estates have agreed to repay $23 million to victims on the basis that the profits the sons earned were obtained through their father’s illicit dealings. However, victims and their lawyers say that justice is too slow in coming as the feds still struggle to untangle and repay funds. Both Mark and Andrew Madoff have died in the intervening years, from suicide and cancer respectively, so this battle largely came down to lawyers for their individual estates working to come to find common ground with lawyers for the trustee of the original principal, Irving Picard. This new agreement does not supersede the Justice Department’s Madoff [...]