What Investors Should Know about Real Estate Investment Trusts
A “good” investment portfolio is diverse, consisting of securities in a variety of industries. Brokers and financial advisors may recommend that you invest in real estate, and one way to do that it through a Real Estate Investment Trust, or REIT. REITs are a lot like mutual funds, in that they allow investors of all shapes and sizes to own a part of the holding. REITs come in two in forms: traded and non-traded. Traded REITs (those listed on the stock exchange) offer a number of benefits: they are relatively easy to buy and sell, operate with transparency, and generally offer a solid return on your investment. Non-traded REITs, however, are a different animal. There are a few things investors should know about the risks involved with these products before they agree to any purchases: Non-traded REITs are generally illiquid. REITs that are not on the stock exchange are difficult to sell, which can put investors in a bind if [...]